Brethren, March is here, and while it is the shortest month of the year, we have a full agenda of events this month.
In ancient Rome, March was called Martius an was named after Mars, the Roman god of war. It was the first month of the year in the original Roman calendar. March was a time of rebirth and renewal, and It was likely an important time for planting.
Masonic historical events during March include:
xMarch 3, 1753. On this date, George Washington received his Fellow Craft Degree in Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 in Virginia.
xMarch 15, 1842. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, was initiated and then made a Master Mason "at sight" by the Grand Master xxof the Grand Lodge of Illinois. This coincided with the installation of Nauvoo Lodge, under special dispensation.
xMarch 18, 1919. Order of DeMolay founded in Kansas City, Missouri, later to become DeMolay International.
I am happy to report that in January, the Finance Committee competed a Financial Review for the fiscal year 2024 as required by the Grand Lodge. Our books and systems are outstanding. Our Secretary and Treasurer are doing a fantastic job as good stewards of our financial resources. I will provide a report to the Craft at our March Stated.
Our next Quarterly Road Clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd. We all meet at Perkins Restaurant (905 Bichara Blvd in Lady Lake) at 0745 for breakfast and we are usually finished by 1000.
Once again, it takes the entire Lodge Team to be successful, so please don’t hesitate to provide any input to make OUR Lodge better.
Bruce Ferri, Senior Warden, (559) 287-8332,