From the South - February 2025

I want to thank all the Brothers and their Ladies and friends for showing up at our January Social at Sammy’s Italian Restaurant, we had 40 people attend for a great time of food and fellowship.

Our next Lodge Social gathering will be the Valentines Dance on Friday February 14th at the Rohan Recreational Center, 850 Kristine Way, The Villages.

Brethren, it’s less than a month away and there is still much to be done. We need volunteers to step up and assist in Food Prep and Serving, Decorations and table set up, Raffle Table and Lottery Board. This is one of the most important events on our
social calendar and it supports not only our operating plans for the year but also helps keep our Annual Dues
cost at its current affordable level with no increase. Lets make this the best dance ever held!

“Volunteers Do Not Necessarily Have The Time; They Just Have The Heart.”

I look forward to seeing everyone at our February 10th Stated Meeting. R:. W:. Jacobson and Bro. Freemer
have a great meal planned that you won’t want to miss.

Fraternally, Carl Chew, Junior Warden