From the South - January 2025

This being my first Trestle Board message, I hope to bring insightful and pertinent information to each monthly edition. I’d like to start by thanking R:.W:. Carl Jacobson and Bro. Tom Freemer for stepping up to bring us great meals before our stated meetings. I look forward to working with them to plan our menus for the coming year.

We are currently planning one of our biggest social events of the year, our Valentine's Dance, which will take place on February 14th at the Rohan Recreation Center. We are planning a great meal, with Music, Dancing, Raffle Table and our Lottery Ticket Board. You should have received two tickets by mail, please note that the dance is open to all so bring your friends and neighbors. Additional tickets are available upon request.

We are currently in need of donations of new and interesting items for the Raffle Table. Please consider a donation of an item you might want to bid on. This event is very important to the Lodge as it helps to generate funds for our operational expenses and supports our charitable efforts for 2025.

Our next Lodge Social will be on Monday, January 20th, 5:00 PM at Sammy’s Italian Restaurant, 9668 N. US Highway 301, Wildwood FL. Please call or email me to reserve your seats. You can also sign up at our January Stated meeting.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our January 13th Stated Meeting.

Fraternally, Carl Chew, Junior Warden (215) 285-1048,