My Brothers, For the past 18 months I have been a little down. In my lifetime I
have had many colleagues, but, very few truly close friends: friends of whom I could be complete-
ly comfortable discussing problems, soliciting advice or asking for an honest review of my actions/
plans. About six years ago I found such a group of friends and advisors. Freemasonry provided
me with such a group of friends. For this, I will be ever thankful, expressing my gratitude to the ‘Supreme
Architect of the Universe’ for reminding me of my mother’s advice - become a Mason. She knew the pro-
found impact Freemasonry had upon my father. She knew I needed the same.
Over the past 18 months, I experienced what might be described as a personal train wreck. I was diagnosed
with ‘Prostate Cancer.’ At first, I thought I was just a statistic ... alone ... having little in common with oth-
ers. I found out that is not the case. Brothers came: provided advice and support; kept me going after being
diagnosed; kept me engaged during my biopsies; kept my spirits up as I waited for results; advised me con-
cerning alternatives to combat the cancer; and, provided support prior to and post my prostatectomy. To all
my Brothers ... I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
However, what created my greatest distress is the number of brothers who have shared their own prostate
health issues. Some are beginning their battle with prostate health issues. Some are experiencing major and
expanding prostate issues. Some are fighting a battle against a disease that has no letup insight.
I have not had many close friends. I cannot afford to loose a single one of YOU. I believe it is time to do
everything in my power to ‘help’, ‘aid’ and ‘assist’ my Brothers ... Friends. I am a proud member of the
Largest, International, Male Fraternity. Planning my year as Worshipful Master, I have thought long and
hard concerning where I would like to see the Lodge’s time, talent and treasure directed.
Where can our efforts be put to their best use? I believe our efforts need be directed to an issue that
directly (and negatively) impacts 60% of all men and that causes cancer in 12 1⁄2% of men. This effort is:
Prostate Health and Cancer.
I charged a ‘Charity Working Group’ (Brothers Hawkins, Yannetti and Bussone) to identify a flagship
cause/charity the Lodge might support. I also asked their suggestions on how to initiate fundraising for such
an effort. I expect to receive the ‘Charity Working Group’s’ recommendation shortly. While nothing is cer-
tain, I hope they conclude that an effort in this direction make sense for our Lodge. I hope we will also be
able to convince other Lodges to join an effort supporting the many members of the CRAFT affected by this
medical issue.
I expect to report on their efforts in February. I further hope to provide a plan of action that the Lodge
will support in the very near future. I ask that you consider this a request to reflect upon this issue and pro-
vide me input whether this is an effort you would consider joining.
May God Light Your Path. Jeffrey P. Lessard, Worshipful Master